Fine tune your appearance

We have a tool kit at our disposal. The shoes and clothes we choose to wear; the purse or brief case we take along. As women we have additional tools at our disposal, we can choose to use make up and how to do our hair. We constantly decide how to present ourselves, what statement we want to make.
I feel lucky that I have these choices. I can dye my hair and decide if to apply no make up at all, just my basic brown eyeliner or foundation and all.  Oh so many choices.
This is one area where it is usually not acceptable for men to wear make up, and not as common for them to dye their grey hair. I feel that as women, having this choice empowers us.
Though women are more often judged on their looks and men are less so, I do appreciate having the choice whether to a wear make up or not.
There are powerful women who choose to wear high heels, I go for comfort there, choose to keep their hair grey or choose to not wear make up at all. I am a big believer in doing what makes you feel good, and appreciate having the ability to do so.

How we look does create an impression on others.

Research has shown that wearing makeup, without overdoing it, can help create a positive first impression. The more glamorous women look (professional glamorous), it increases people’s perceptions of their likability, competence and trustworthiness. Some research has also found evidence that women feel more confident when wearing makeup. The makeup likely not just transforming how the women are perceived but also how they feel.

In our webinar this week, June 5, 12:00PM EST, Tracilee Messina, MBA, will provide Make Up Tips to Create Your Personal Brand. Tracilee will teach some basic make up tips and suggest some affordable products to help you fine tune your appearance.

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