Just get started

Some things seem too hard, too big, too overwhelming. We make up excuses why not to start. We make ourselves believe that we can’t do it.

Stop thinking about what you SHOULD be doing or should have done.

Stop thinking about the END RESULT.
Instead, focus on what you CAN do NOW.

Allocate time in your day to taking a small step forward, A START.  

Start with 30 minutes.
No distractions.
Build it up from there.

Acknowledge your accomplishments.

Focus on the positive. Write down the times you DID spend working on the project/task.
Track your progress.

Reward yourself for every little step you take moving forward.

What will you do after you have worked on this project for an hour? Go to the gym? Have coffee with a friend? Watch Netflix?
Each step adds up and moves you closer to the end result.

What will you be STARTING to work on today?

Join Jen Karofsky in IamBackatWork’s upcoming webinar: Let’s Talk About Commitment, April 9, 12:00pm EST to explore how with commitment you can achieve anything you want.

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