Maximize your job search strategies

According to Glassdoor the average number of people who apply for each corporate job is about 250. Of those candidates, only 4 to 6 will get called for an interview.

Only 1 will get the job. 

To screen this large amount of resumes many companies use ATS- Applicant Tracking Systems to conduct the initial screening. It is estimated that 70% of resumes are rejected at this point. Some because they do not contain the right key words – desired skills and qualifications – and some because they are not formatted in a way that ATS can read the information.

Smaller companies, under 50 employees, do not usually use ATS, their recruiters screen the resumes. According to The Ladders recruiters only take an average of 6 seconds to scan a resume. To get through the ATS or recruiters, you need to tailor your resume to the specific job, to include as many key words from the description in your resume. To do this for each job you are applying to on a job board takes time and effort. With only 4-6 candidates getting called for interviews for each job posted your odds of getting through the door are very low.

To top these odds, the majority of job openings, around 80%, are never advertised online.

So what is a better way to use your time to maximize your job search?

Tammy Banfield, a professional resume writer and certified career coach who specializes in helping talented and ambitious women advance their career, will teach you a better – and quicker – way to find your next, perfect job in this webinar. You’ll learn the strategies you need to cut through the noise and rise above the hundreds of other job applicants vying for the same role. Watch the webinar now!

Miki Feldman Simon, Founder & CEO IamBackatWork

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