It is not worth getting upset over this!

Last weekend my husband and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary (yes, I can’t believe it too:)). We went away for a romantic long weekend just the 2 of us.

I was sick the whole time. At times I just needed to sleep it off, other times I could manage a meal out, or a stroll through the town. One of the days he was sick too…

We still had a wonderful time.

I made up my mind that I am not going to let it ruin our weekend away and we are just going to make the best of it. It rubbed off on him too.

I can tell you that not so far back it would have been different. I was easily upset by things. The rude driver, I would have gotten into an argument with; the hotel room we got, that was nothing like the room we ordered; the disappointing meal, etc. I would get deeply upset, it usually had a spiraling effect and it would take me time to come out of it.

I have worked hard on myself to make the best of situations and not let the little bad things get to me. These “little bad things” used to seem very big.

Nowadays I often say to myself: “it is not worth getting upset over this”. It has taken time but I can tell you that it has really worked. Instead of creating spiraling effects of negative emotions, the positive emotions spiral and with them positive experiences.

I am a happier person.

I urge you to try it.

Let’s see the glass half full.

Tell yourself: “it is not worth getting upset over this”.

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