This Halloween, horror movies aside, take some time to think about what it is that scares you.

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do one thing every day that scares you,” and no, she was not talking about the newest horror movie to come out on Netflix.

She was talking about stepping out of your comfort zone.

The “comfort zone” and “something new” is different for everyone. Something that is easy for one can be scary for another.

What will getting out of the comfort zone mean for you?

Speaking up in a meeting?

Quitting your job?

Starting a new career?

Leading with vulnerability?

Saying no and setting more boundaries?

What are you scared of?

People are scared when they are uncertain of what the outcome of their actions will be. When fear takes over, they see all that could go wrong: the negative consequences. Focusing on the possible positive outcomes, the opportunities, alleviates fear.

What opportunities could you open yourself up to if you focus on the possible positive outcomes of stepping out of your comfort zone?

Doing something that scares you every day, big or small, expands your comfort zone. It opens you up to new opportunities. It helps you become fearless.

As Suzy Kassem says, “Fear kills more dreams than failure ever will.” Don’t let it kill yours!

And in the photo it is me with my husband and son at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, getting out of my comfort zone and making a dream come true.

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