Maintaining your momentum in the job search

Looking for a new job is a process and it takes time. If you have been out of the work force for a while this process will likely take longer and have its ups and downs.

The first important step is to get your expectations straight. Know that you will likely: send your resume to many places, network, have interviews, and get rejected.

It is a lot of hard work, yes people don’t often realize how much work it is to look for work. Researching yet again another company, interviewers, networking, meeting with more people, asking the right questions, talking about yourself. It is tiring.

And the rejections hurt. They do. Whether it is your first rejection or your tenth. Who likes to hear that no yet again. We know that it is all about the fit, it is not personal but we have all felt that crushing pain when we find out that that job we really wanted is not going to happen.

It is easy to give up then. Stop looking again for a short or sometimes a long while. Lose your confidence and feel down. These feelings easily spiral out of control and can negatively impact our job search efforts. We have all been there.

How do you keep going? What strategies can you adopt that will help you keep at it? Do you have a support system in place that will comfort you and help you through this process?

On the practical note, you need to make sure that you learn from every step along the way. Improve your resume, LinkedIn profile, your networking and interviewing skills. Have all the tools in place to help you succeed.

You need a good action plan to guide you through all the necessary steps and help you charge ahead. But you also need the emotional support, from knowing what it is that you can do to help you lift yourself up, to having someone to lean on so that you continue on your way to that new job.

Michele Brant’s webinar focuses on the emotional side of the job search process. The major stress, depression, anger and other negative emotions it can bring. Michele teaches practices and techniques to neutralize your negative emotions and maintain your job search momentum.

Have pen and paper ready to take notes and questions ready for our Q&A section at the end of every webinar.

Miki Feldman Simon, Founder & CEO IamBackatWork

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