Minimizing Age Discrimination

Last week, at a workshop I presented, one of the women asked what can we do against age discrimination. Age discrimination exists, and my best advice for you, to not let it affect you, is to stay current.

  1. Dress in a modern outfit. Walking in to an interview wearing an outfit from the 70s will make you look outdated. You do not want that to be the first impression you create.
  2. Demonstrate that your skills are up to date – from using social media to the latest software skills.
  3. Don’t emphasize your age and talk about your experience from 20-30 years ago. Avoid phrases such as” “years ago”, “in my time”, “in the 70’s/80’s” etc.
  4. Don’t age discriminate yourself. Yes, I mean it, and I mean it both ways – do not discriminate and underestimate those much younger, or older than you. If your interviewer is a lot younger than you, don’t treat them like you are their mother.
  5. Don’t make it about your age. I want you to forget about your age, going into the interview. Focus on your relevant, recent experience and fit for the role.

Many companies do appreciate life experience. When interviewing, look around and take in the age of other people working there. Places that are already employing people around your age are more likely to appreciate your experience.

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