Showing up with confidence, failure

Yesterday I got off a meeting for an opportunity that I am very interested in and felt blah. Real blahhh. It’s been on my mind is an understatement. I’ve been going through the conversation in my mind over and over. And no it wasn’t the technology issues one of the other people had, or the questions they asked.

I was just not my confident self.

In my mind I was questioning myself, I wasn’t succinct, I was not my best self.

I have not experienced this for a long time.

So today, I reflect, to learn from the experience and I am intentionally practicing some self compassion and forgiveness, as I am good at being hard on myself…

I am also thinking forward. I cannot change the past but I can influence my future.

I am reaching in, to my confident self, to ensure I bring her with me to my next meetings.

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