Thank You 2018!

Thank you to all the women who participated in our 2018 events and made the year such a successful one. We love our community of women supporting each other through the transition back to work and their careers thereafter.

Thank you to all the professionals who collaborated with me over 2018 to present at IamBackatWork. You made this year INCREDIBLE! I, and the thousands of women (and the few men who joined us), on their path to return to work, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your practical, professional tips and valuable advice, and for making IamBackatWork the amazing free resource it has become.
Can’t wait for an even more amazing 2019!
Thank you:
Deb Elbaum, Dr. Tamara Tilleman, Alexandra Stephens, Robynne Schwartz, Lisa Carusone, HWC,  Tammy Banfield, Sandy McDougall, Angela Lussier, Holly Peterson, Patricia Hunt Sinacole, Amanda Hennessey, Sarela Bliman-Cohen, Cena Block, Kimberly Wittenberg Lurie, Aileen Axtmayer, Susan Baracco, Maria Yunis,  Robin Samora, Megan Marini, Dorothy Biagioni, Amy Rebecca Gay, Lise Stransky, Doreen Dove, Tara Goodfellow, Amanda Goedde, Michele Brant 

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