The Best Way to Take in Information

I read this Inc article: Here’s the 1 Thing You Need to Do to Learn More About Anything, and realized that is exactly what I just did, and it worked.

The article presents an interesting perspective on focusing your learning. It asserts: “It turns out, one of the best ways to improve learning is to stop flitting about topics.  Land on just one you have an interest in or need to know, and then just stay there a while.”

In preparation for my talk at the Women In Action Conference in October, on Creating a Positive Mindset that Will Set You on Your Path to Success, I adopted this method. Though I had previously written and talked about the subject, the weeks before the talk, I read books and articles, listened to podcasts and audible books and attended courses on the topic. I completely immersed myself in it. It deepened my knowledge in the subject matter. Highlighted other perspectives.

I reached a point where I had completely internalized the content. Writing and talking about it afterwards was very natural. I did not need to memorize talking points, I could pick up the conversation at any point.

Is there a skill that you would like to learn or update? A topic that interests you?

This method also works in preparation for interviews or important meetings. It helps you study and know the subject matter inside out to confidently speak about it. Sometimes this subject matter may be yourself, your experience, your story, what motivates you and what you are looking for.
What do you want to learn more about? Try to fully immerse yourself in it and see the benefits.

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