The Shecession and the tough decisions women are having to make

Are you struggling to keep up with both work and family obligations?

There is so much more that women are dealing with today under this “shecession”! Please join me today, International Women’s Day and listen in to my conversation with Jodi Flynn on the Women Taking the Lead podcast.  We talk about the tough decisions that women are having to make and how to navigate through them.

You will hear about:⠀

🚩 The current state of affairs with women in the workforce. Where women were before the pandemic, where they are now and why this recession has been coined a “shecession”.⠀
🚩 The decisions that many women are having to make in order to meet the demands of taking care of their household, their children, sick relatives, and aging parents.⠀
🚩 The cost of this situation on our society, economy, the workforce, the advancement of women, etc.⠀
🚩 How I work with women to navigate these tough decisions. (Great tips here for yourself and to suggest to your employer)⠀
🚩 And finally, what I think that we can be optimistic about.

Yes, there is what to be optimistic about too!

Listen to the podcast and I would love to hear your thoughts about this important topic!

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