What does success mean to you?

Talking to one of my clients, she mentioned that it upsets her that as a society we have become too obsessed with success and that she does not want to hear about setting goals and chasing the next thing.

But what is success?

I believe that success is what makes you happy and that it is worth investing the time to understand what is success for YOU and what it is that makes YOU happy. Yes, YOU! Not your parents, siblings, partners, children or your boss.

Without putting thought into what kind of life you want to live, life can just slip away. You can end up living the life somebody else thought up for you or just pass the time.

What kind of life do you want to live?

What does success mean to you?
What is important to you?
What changes would you like to make in your life?
Do you want to reduce stress? Meditate daily? Run? Get that job/promotion?

Set an intention to live a happier life. To live your version of success.

What can you do today to make this change? This week? In the next 30 days?
Miki Feldman Simon,
Founder & CEO,  IamBackatWork

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