Why being enthusiastic is important

Are you meeting new people, networking, or interviewing for a job?

Have you ever been around someone who is very enthusiastic about something? Don’t you then feel that you believe more in what they are saying? That the enthusiasm is catchy? You will leave a lasting impression if you demonstrate that you want to be there, in the here and now, and show your interest in the conversation or the position.

Just saying that you are enthusiastic does not do it. You can demonstrate your enthusiasm in your body language, in your tone of voice and if it is an interview you can also show it through careful preparation and informed questions. Your attitude can play a large role in the hiring decision. A well qualified interviewee that sounds tired, and only somewhat interested will likely be pushed to the end of the pile.

I recently scheduled an interview with Mike over the phone. When he picked up I asked, “How are you today?” His answer was “OK” followed by a deep sigh. To myself I said: “Really? That’s how you want to start the interview?”.  I decided to respond with “Not such a good day?”, my response was giving him a second chance, but others may have just been left with the negative first impression. Either way, he now needed to correct a negative impression. Starting with “I am doing great! I am looking forward to learn more about this position” would have created a much better path for the conversation.

When hiring new employees, the hiring manager will seek the right qualifications for the position, but also look at your personality. They will try to determine how you fit with the team and the company culture, and what energy you bring. Are you going to be that person who drags people down or are you going to be a positive source of energy that will uplift the team?

Enthusiasm is positive energy.

Miki Feldman Simon, Founder & CEO IamBackatWork

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