Zoom out, take the time to reflect

This Monday, September 28, is Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement. As a secular Jew, for me this is a day of reflection, an opportunity to zoom out and consider where I could do better personally, as a person, a woman, a wife, a mother, a friend, and professionally, serving the people I work and collaborate with.

I have embraced a habit of reflection, always asking myself where could I improve? What could I have done better today, this week?

Every year, I use this day to reflect more broadly. Reassess and reconnect with my values, think about my contribution to the world and my legacy.

2020 has definitely provided us with a range of challenges on a personal and global level. A pandemic testing our priorities and how we want to protect the elderly and those who are more vulnerable. Black Lives Matter, to see our white privilege and the injustices towards black people. And the current political climate where we must consider how to defend our democracy.

My values guide me to do the right thing. Taking the time to reflect strengthens my mission and purpose in pursuing what I believe in.

I encourage you to take the time to zoom out and reflect.

Reassess your values.

Consider where can you do better.

Let’s each and every one make the effort to be better, to be positive forces in the world.

If you need help identifying your values, please reach out. I am happy to share with you an exercise that will help you clarify your values and purpose in life.

Wishing everyone a good year ahead!

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