Be friendly but remember that the interviewer is not your friend

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A good interviewer will help you feel comfortable and at ease in the interview. They may be especially friendly and understanding so that they can learn more about you. Think about the good cop in the TV Cop shows. Remember who you are, and why you are there, and that you want to shine yourself in your best light, not make a new friend.
I recently showed great empathy to a candidate’s complaints about a long exhausting commute to his existing workplace. Telling me that when he gets home he just lies on the sofa and doesn’t want to do anything, not even see his kids was sharing too much. It made me wonder if he’s burnt out, depressed? Don’t go sharing your frustrations with the interviewer. Sharing that he is excited to have a shorter commute would have been sufficient.
Get the job first, and when you are colleagues start making friends.

Miki Feldman Simon, Founder & CEO IamBackatWork

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