You are evaluated on everything

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When you apply for a position consider that every contact you have with the company is part of the interview process.
Of course there’s your initial resume, your email communication – how well you can communicate, is it professional, are you organized? Then when you are interviewing, there is your every interaction with people in the office – were you respectful to everyone? Nice to the secretary and the VPs? Did you think of picking up your cup of coffee, or water, at the end of the interview, or did you leave it for someone else to pick up after you? We learn about your personality, how considerate you are, how you will interact with people of every level at the office and likely our customers… don’t forget the post interview. Did you email a thank you note? I recently interviewed candidates for a VP position to manage an existing team. One candidate sent thank you emails to everyone, managers and team members. One sent to the CEO only. It told us a lot.
And yes the people at the office talk, they know if you only sent a thank you note to some and not the others and if you sent the same email to everyone…

Miki Feldman Simon, Founder & CEO IamBackatWork

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