Time for reflection

This week is Yom Kippur, time for reflection. As I read the many posts about “The Great Resignation”, and look back on the past year, it definitely seems like many have taken the time to reflect this year.

Extenuating circumstances have put people in a situation where they have had to really evaluate their priorities and what is truly important to them.

For many, trying to balance working remotely with being caretakers and teachers to their kids really brought up the question of:  Is this work worth it?

People wanted to be in an environment where everyone is a human first.  Surrounding themselves, often virtually, with people who care about them, at home and at work, has become a priority.

And to answer the “Is it worth it?” question they have wanted to be part of something meaningful.

The Great Resignation is the culmination of these feelings.

And yes, this coming year we are still going to be impacted by Covid and the stress and great uncertainty that it has created.

I have been asking my clients and working with myself on the question of:

Who Do You Want To Be?

As an organization, leader, professional, parent, partner?

There is an opportunity here for all of us, to reflect and think deeply about how we can be more human, live a meaningful life, support those around us and be positive forces in the world.

In the photo is my son, Arden, reflecting. Thank you to Ori Ramon for the wonderful photo.

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