Why rejection hurts so much

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Rejections are part of the job search. Often, you send your resume and don’t hear back at all. Yes, that feels like a rejection too. They didn’t chose your resume. Then you may receive the rejection after the initial screening or further down the interviewing process. You have to learn to deal with these rejections in a way that will not prevent you from continuing your search and shatter your confidence.

I enjoyed reading this Ted Idea by Psychologist Guy Winch who shares some practical tips for soothing the sting of rejection. I recommend you read it too.

I especially liked the following 3 points he made:

  1. While you should review what happened, and consider what you should do differently in the future, there is no reason to be punitive and self critical while doing so. For example, thinking that you should avoid mentioning all the negative aspects of your previous position in the next interview would be helpful, but saying to yourself “I’m a loser” is not.
  2. Remember that a “common mistake we make is to assume a rejection is personal when it’s not. Most rejections, whether romantic, professional, and even social, are due to “fit” and circumstance. They may not be hiring for that position now or you do not have the right experience, for them.
  3. Boost feelings of self-worth after a rejection by making a list of five qualities you have that are valuable.

Rejections are a part of life. I am a big believer in “Yes You Can Fail, But If You Don’t Try You Will Never Know”.

Read the full article here.

Miki Feldman Simon, Founder & CEO IamBackatWork

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