Keep it short

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What happens when you are busy and receive a long email? The first reaction is I’ll read it later, and later doesn’t always happen. That long email you put together to introduce yourself, may not ever be read. Keep it short and to the point.
Today everyone is busy and inundated with emails. You want your communication to be efficient.
Recently while helping a client with their recruiting needs, we received a 2-page email from a candidate as a cover letter to an already detailed resume. Our first reaction, nobody had the time to read it. Second reaction, is every communication from her going to be like this? We don’t have time for it.
I did take the time to phone screen her. Like the long email, she also had too long winded answers to my questions. The thank you email afterwards, was again a page long. I appreciated that she took the time and effort to write it, but also knew that it will not work.

Miki Feldman Simon, Founder & CEO IamBackatWork

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