Announcing the launch of my new website!

I am so excited! For the last few months I have been working on my new website and it is live and ready to be shared with you: If you have built a website, especially one that is under your name, you know that this is not a simple …

Make networking a habit

The statistics say that 80%+ of jobs are filled via networking with personal and professional connections. My experience has been 100%. Every job, contract, client I gained, has been through my network and their referrals. People I have known for years and new acquaintances. Are you networking regularly? To all …

Sweet and Sour Days

6 years ago, November 10, 2016 was the official launch of IamBackatWork, the company I founded to support women and help them remain in, and return to the workforce. After months of hard work, building the platform, gathering resources, collaborating with a variety of experts to create a powerful webinar …


This Halloween, horror movies aside, take some time to think about what it is that scares you. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do one thing every day that scares you,” and no, she was not talking about the newest horror movie to come out on Netflix. She was talking about stepping out …

I am celebrating running a 100 yards

Yesterday I celebrated running a 100 yards. It does not sound like much and does not seem like much to celebrate but it is a big step for me now. The last time I ran was on Tuesday January 25, 2022. I remember coming back from running a 5K and …

Disappointment mixed with some relief

This afternoon I was scheduled to fly to Alberta Canada to speak at the 2021 Inventures conference. It was an exciting opportunity and I was thrilled to be invited to speak with Tzipi Avioz about how to set up a Customer Success team for success. I was also hesitant with …

Time for reflection

This week is Yom Kippur, time for reflection. As I read the many posts about “The Great Resignation”, and look back on the past year, it definitely seems like many have taken the time to reflect this year. Extenuating circumstances have put people in a situation where they have had …


There is research that setting new goals around dates that stand out – a new year, a holiday, a birthday or even just the start of a new week, is helpful in achieving them. These dates help people mentally separate their past imperfections and failures with their positive image of …

Showing up with confidence, failure

Yesterday I got off a meeting for an opportunity that I am very interested in and felt blah. Real blahhh. It’s been on my mind is an understatement. I’ve been going through the conversation in my mind over and over. And no it wasn’t the technology issues one of the …